IFAE is a member of the VIRGO collaboration. This opens a new long-term research line in IFAE related to Gravitational Waves detection using terrestrial interferometry. A group of researches from IFAE has taken significant responsibilities in the VIRGO experiment related to the control of the stray light inside the experiment, which is considered a limiting factor for its sensitivity. In the physics analysis front, the IFAE team is developing a complete research program using LIGO/Virgo data for which a Deep Learning (DL) approach is being taken.

Project 1 Supervisor: Mario Martinez The candidate will have the opportunity to participate in the analysis of the data using a state-of-the-art DL approach together with the rest of the IFAE team.

Project 2 Supervisor: Lluisa Mir The candidate will be offered the opportunity to participate in the IFAE activities related to the construction of new detectors for Virgo, involving high-tech photosensors and sophisticated simulations of the propagation of light inside the interferometer.